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10 Summer Lip Products To Keep Your Lips Hydrated!


Updated: Aug 19, 2019

With all this hot weather, we tend to have dry lips and skin. We are constantly applying moisturizers to our skin and lips and are always trying to keep hydrated! Here are 10 lip products that are sure to keep your lips hydrated and fresh!

1) Blistex--- I use it, super moisturizing and smells amazing! Keeps my lips hydrated for hours especially, right before I go to bed.

2) Burt Bees Tinted Lip Balm--- If you are looking for something moisturizing and has color... Burt Bees for sure has what you need. Safe ingredients, delicious scents, and soothing lip balm- what more could you ask for in a lip balm? This is a huge win for me!!

3) EOS Lip Balm--- Highly recommend!! Super moisturizing and great ingredients. Doesn't cause much reaction for irritated lips--- well at least for mine! Have used this brand of lip balm fro years and has always been one of my favorites that I recommend!

4) Korres Lip Butter--- Although this is on the pricey side, it is worth it!! Super moisturizing for hours, scents are amazing, ingredients are amazing as well.

5) Baby Lips--- Long lasting balms for hours, super soft lips, and hydrating formula!

6) Josie Maran Lip Sting Plumping Butter--- This is quite expensive, but well worth the money that you paying. I got it as a gift from my mother, and it literally healed my chapped lips and made them super soft and buttery! (I don't even know if that's a good way to describe my lips?)

7) Aquaphor Lip Repair--- Definitely one of the most affordable items to buy and sell it at any drug store and works like a gem! A little greasy, but overall helps with dry, cracked, irritated lips!

8) Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment--- Again, on the pricey side, but well worth it. This formula is super creamy and does not have the goopy consistency. Leaves your lips feeling fresh and moisturized.

9) Nivea Smoothness Lip Care--- Super smooth, hydrating, glossy, and has sun protection! This product keeps your lips hydrated all day!

10) Smith Rose Bud Salve Lip Balm--- Soothes dry lips and heals irritated skin, has a hint of rose, not overpowering, just the right amount.

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