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You don't mean anything to me


Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful day! I am sharing with you all another original poem that I wrote! This poem layout is a bit different from what I usually write and I thought I would challenge myself to write something in a different layout. This poem is about loving someone who you know is not good for you and you try your best to look past their mistakes and troublesome persona, but instead, you get burned down with them. I hope you all enjoy reading this poem!

You don’t mean anything to me


Followed you

Into the dark.

You burned me down.

I felt your pain and

Allowed you back into my life.

Tears streaming down my cheeks,

As I scream out.

Your lying words

Linger my



Faced the

Darkness for you.

You lit me up

With a toxic, sly smile.

I unlearned all my morals so

You could wish me away.

Only to find out

I wanted to

Lose you



Let go

Of you quickly.

With a spark of

Happiness in my drained eyes.

I left you alone in the darkness

And gave up when

You tried to

Make me



Fell into

Your ashes of

Self-hatred and begged

For your old self back.

I watched you change into something

That I never saw coming.

You were a gentleman,

But turned into

A cynical



Felt alive

When you disappeared.

I look back at

Our memories to only see

Heartbreak, forgiveness, joy, and emptiness.

The last smile I saw on

Your face was because

Of my pain.

You loved


Thank you all very much for reading this poem! This was a new format that I tried out and hopes you all enjoyed reading it! I have more posts planned this month and I cannot wait to share them with you all so, stay tuned for new blog posts coming soon! If you want to stay updated when new posts are coming or want interactive content, you can follow me on both Instagram and Pinterest and Instagram @helpfulinspiringblog. If you need to contact me, you can email me at: I will see you all soon!


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