Hello everyone, I hope you all doing well. To help wrap up this month of November, I am sharing with you all a list of ten questions and answers reflecting upon on well this month went. I hope this inspires you all to do so and reflect on how you can improve for the next month!

1. What went well this month? What did I accomplish?
Something that went well this month was staying on top of my homework assignments. I was able to complete a fair share of assignments within the deadline. I was also able to get ahead of some courses which was beneficial considering next month is finals. Something that I did accomplish this month was making more time for friend and family gatherings. I was happy to do so as this helped me clear my mind and catch up with everyone.
2. What didn't go so well? How can I improve for next month?
Something that didn't go well this month was finding a lack of motivation to finish assignments. Though with some of my classes, I was able to get ahead with the others, this was not the case. I found that I would start them and wouldn't be able to put my mind towards them to complete them until it was the last day. Something I can try next month to break this habit is to do the assignments as soon as I get them.
3. How did I grow as a person?
How I grew as a person this month was learning that it's okay to be selfish for yourself sometimes. If it is something that you need to do for yourself then, you must do it. I learned this month to put myself and my needs first before anyone else's opinions and needs.
4. What challenges did I face this month?
A challenge I faced this month was getting enough sleep. I found most nights I would wake up three times a night and would have a hard time falling asleep. The result of doing this was making my commute harder and trying to stay awake was tough for me as well.
5. What am I spending too little or too much time on?
Something I am spending too little time on is my blog. I notice the months where I don't have too much going on are the months I can work more on my blog and grow my audience. On the months that are stressful and filled with exams, I find it can be challenging to keep up with. But I am trying to continue to do what I love so, I will continue to work on this!
6. Did I reach my goals this month?
No, I did not reach my goals this month. One of my goals this month was to finish a book I was reading and that did not happen. Another one of my goals was to work harder on my blog and I did not accomplish this either. So, it was quite disappointing to me.
7. What made me feel grateful this month?
Something that made me feel grateful this month was valuing the time I spent at university. I enjoy spending time there and studying. To me, it is nice to go and study in different areas on campus and view the campus from a different standpoint.
8. What habits should I continue to focus on?
A habit I should continue to focus on is taking care of myself. I will continue to put my mental health first and learn new ways to obtain a better night's sleep.
9. What did I do this month to take care of myself?
Something I did this month to take care of myself was allow myself thirty minutes each night to unwind and relax. I notice this makes me more motivational and allows me to do something I love.
10. Overall, how would I rate my month?
Overall, I would rate this month a 7.5 out of 10. There were some rough patches this month, but also some good spots. I was feeling pretty lost this month and was losing interest in some of my past hobbies. It was a bit discouraging, but I hope for the next month, I hope to do better with myself.
Thank you all very much for reading this poem post! I have more posts planned for this month and I cannot wait to share them with you all! Also, make sure to check out my printables shop! I have an entire 12-month calendar spread that is undated and customizable as well as multiple word searches perfect for fall! I hope you all have a great day, and I will see you all in the next post!
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