Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a fantastic day! I am sharing with all of you a guide on the best ways to study for exams and to ace them. I know that taking tests is not everyone's forte and it can be challenging to stay focused studying the information, but with this I am sure it help you all with your test taking.

Organize Your Notes
Read over your notes after every class to check if they make sense.
Use titles on your notes as well as put page numbers on your notebook; use a table of contents.
Schedule what subject you will be studying for on specific days.
Schedule Time at the End of Week To Go Over Your Notes
Make sure you understand them, you can read them, does this lesson make sense?
Establish a Regular Study Schedule
Plan out weekly what subjects you will be studying for and what notes to take as well as how much time to spend.
Assign Math for maybe 3 hours on two days weekly. Make practice problems, review lectures, watch online videos for help, ask classmates and teachers for additional guidance.
Assign Science for 1-2 hours on three days weekly. Take notes, do further research on topics, ask classmates and teachers for assistance, and make sure to complete all labs!
Assign English for 1 hour each day weekly. Get ahead of your English homework, drafts, essays, forums, outlines, etc. Power through your homework.
Assign History for 2 hours on two days weekly. Review worksheets, textbooks, notes, research extra notes. Pay attention and take notes in class.
Stay awake in class and listen! Take notes, this is super helpful for any exam!
Test Yourself on the Material
Review your notes and write sample test questions. Test your knowledge. Make sure you know the chapter!
Look for key words to help remember information. Look for simple clues to train your mind that this word associates with this definition.
Create a Study Checklist
For each subject, write on a piece of paper or sticky note what you need to study for.
Example: formulas, words and definitions, terms, important events, ideas, etc.
Create Summary Notes
When reading a textbook, it can be super helpful to write a chapter review on a sticky note of what you have learned. You can always review this information.
Create Flashcards
I know that this does not work for everyone, but if this works for you, do it!
Simply write definitions, formulas, words, etc. to help you study and understand the course.
Finish Your Studying the Day Before the Exam
Separate your time, plan ahead, take little breaks in between.
DO NOT do it all in one day! The worst thing to do to yourself.
Study a little everyday!
Thank you all very much for reading this blog post! I have more posts coming this month as well as many more exciting posts coming soon! Please follow me on Instagram and Pinterest @helpfulinspirinblog. Also, if you need to connect with me/reach out, feel free to email me at: helpfulinspiringblog@gmail.com. I will see all of you in the next post!