Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful day! I am sharing with you all a new poem on my blog! This poem is about losing someone you love while realizing the truth and lies that were hidden within the relationship. It's about finally feeling at peace with yourself and them as well as learning to live without them in your life anymore. I hope you all enjoy reading this poem!

A Bottle of Misfortunes
Letting go,
Falling into a deep dark place
Yet, still feeling alive.
Slowly sinking as
Lively fish swim around me
Gasping for air as I try to breathe.
Wanting to cry for help, but
Knowing it will be no use.
Light shining bright above with
Clear blue skies and fluffy clouds.
One could say a beautiful day.
Others may say their nightmare.
Stranded alone in the cyclone waves
While trying to stay sane.
As each minute passes,
My fingers will soon look like prunes.
I’ve dreamed of going to a place unknown to many and
To finally feel free.
Free of my misery, guilt, regret, and pain.
A place where I could forget everything.
Even if it means I’ll have to drown my thoughts in a deep, dark place,
I will do it.
Just to feel like the sunshine.
Waves crashing up against my back,
Losing my balance as I step deeper
Feeling unwary of my surroundings.
Walking further as I want to get closer to the horizon.
Barely swimming as my head stays above water.
My eyes slowly losing consciousness as my
Tired body is ready to give out.
Until someone tries to rescue me.
I’d already fallen into your arms before
So, I wanted to drown in them too.
Your voice was like a siren calling my name
As I was underwater.
I was drowning because of you and
I didn’t need you to save me,
But you did in the moment and
Quickly regretted your decision as I told you my last words.
I thought I was scared of the ocean,
But really, I was scared of you.
Your constant lies and untrustworthy self
Made me want to put myself through hell
Just so you could see how much you affected me.
If I gave up on you,
I would have never been with you in the first place.
So, I sang you a symphony of my words and received sand particles of our memories.
In the moment you were my lifesaver,
But I really wanted it to be me.
You went overboard for me
Until I realized you only did it because you felt bad for me.
I thought our love was enough to save us.
I sunk with it
While you disappeared without it.
I wanted to reach for you, but I couldn't bear to say you helped me.
Once I gained my sanity and consciousness back,
I changed for myself.
I lost our love for you
Just so you could pretend it didn’t even exist.
To me, it felt like ancient evidence of our true selves,
But to you, it was like school fish swimming away.
You once reminded me of a lighthouse,
Now you remind me of a tsunami.
Our love was a constant push and pull of ocean currents.
One wanted to stay in the warmer equator while
The other wanted to stay in a cooler area.
It was never going to work
Unless one of us gave up.
I did and yet, you still pushed me deeper.
I could’ve held on for dear life, but
You wanted to feel like you mattered to me.
When I washed up on shore,
I was alone and empty.
I was dumb enough to believe you would change and
Reckless enough to try and make you stay.
I was surrounded by wet sand and colored seashells.
A desperate and genuine feeling.
I realized our love wasn’t anything more than a feeling.
It was just a message in a bottle meant to be lost.
Thank you all very much for reading this poem post! I have more posts planned for this month and I cannot wait to share them with you all! Also, I have an entire 12-month calendar spread that is undated and customizable as well as two-word searches perfect for summer! I hope you all have a great day and I will see you all in the next post!
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